Fire Warden Training
We offer on-site and remote fire warden training for your property that outlines the roles and responsibilities of fire wardens. Our training reviews the unique structure of your property and how it relates to the fire safety plan. They are customized for each property’s specific needs.
Blake Smith Reviews Fire Alarm Panel Notifications
We offer a comprehensive fire warden training program to ensure your staff and designated fire wardens are equipped with the knowledge and experience to safely execute their fire warden duties in the event of an emergency.
Available to employees and management, we provide on-site, in-person training and online video training that covers the fire safety plan unique to your building and property. Our online training is accessed through a custom portal unique to your business and buildings.
A key component of the Fire Code is that supervisory staff and owners are properly trained on their current Fire Safety Plan. This includes:
Legislative requirements outlining Fire Warden & Fire Safety Plan requirements
Fire Warden key responsibilities
Basic fire science and types of fires
Common hazards and how to control fire hazards
Use of a fire extinguisher
Emergency & Persons requiring assistance
Building Fire Protection Systems
Fire Drills
Fire Drill Facilitation & Training
Practice is so important to ensuring everyone understands the proper processes to follow. Our facilitators will demonstrate and walk through the appropriate steps and actions to take in the event of a fire alarm or emergency.
Fire Drill Facilitation
We provide supervisory staff, employees and building owners and operators on-site fire drill training. When faced with an emergency, having had the experience of practicing fire drills provides staff with the knowledge and experience to properly execute an evacuation.
We go through the fire drill process giving everyone an opportunity to visualize and walk through the steps required to keep people safe and secure. Our licensed professional staff will answer any questions or concerns regarding what to do in the event of an emergency.
Fire drill training is a proactive step that you can take to ensure the safety of your staff and tenants.
Our training covers:
Use of the exit facilities
How to use a fire extinguisher
How to communicate with the fire department
How to help people requiring assistance
Review of designated responsibilities
Fire drill reporting
After-hours evacuation procedures
Emergency Preparedness Training
Emergency Preparedness Training provides staff and occupants the ability to identify emergencies and act accordingly. Learn how to evaluate issues that arise before, during, and immediately following an emergency. Our training will ensure you are ready for any emergency, from a First Aid emergency or an Active Shooter event. We’ve got you covered.
Active attacker/Shooter
Bomb Threats
Cyber Attacks
The Unexpected
Power Failures
Nautral Disasters
Elevator Entrapments
Emergency Evacuations
First aid/medical emergencies
Situational Awareness
Emergency Preparedness
Prevention and Mitigation Strategies
“It is crucial that staff have the training to respond to a wide array of emergency situations for their own protection and those of the occupants within their facilities.” – Sanj Patel, Principal, Ignis Building Solutions
Experienced Instructors
On-Site Theory & Practical Training
Drill Facilitation
Online & On-Site Training
Option to Include With Fire Warden Training
Don’t wait for an emergency to realize the importance of planning, preparation and training. Lives and property are at stake.
Book a call today to get started.
Building Owners and Managers have a lot of responsibilities, leave it to us to train your staff to ensure all Occupational Health & Safety and Fire & Life Safety needs are covered. We offer customized solutions for each client to fill in any void or need in training. Our experts have extensive backgrounds in managing facilities and understand the wide array of training requirements for Building Owners and Managers need.
Building Owner & Manager Training
Fire Alarm Technician Continuing Education
We work in partnership with Health and Safety Management College. Review their website for complete information including The Canadian Fire Alarm Technology Program, Continuing Education Credits, Health & Safety Training, Training for Building Owners, and more…